RAK Medical and Health Sciences University is First Medical University in the UAE to Obtain Five Stars in QS Stars Rating     College of Pharmacy at RAK Medical and Health Sciences University has obtained dual national and international accreditation for its Bachelor of Pharmacy program from the American Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA)     All Programs are accredited by Ministry of Education, UAE.    All our programs are recognized by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Translational and medicinal research center


Establishing a steadfast commitment to excellence in interdisciplinary biomedical research, TMRC that articulates can aspire to become a premier center of excellence in the UAE, making significant contributions to scientific knowledge and healthcare advancements


By leveraging cutting-edge technology and a multi-disciplinary approach, biomedical research can make significant strides in understanding diseases, developing innovative treatments, and addressing healthcare challenges more effectively. Continuous adaptation and innovation will be key to success in this dynamic field.


The objectives outlined for the Translational and medicinal research center(TMRC) at RAKMHSU are comprehensive and align well with the mission and vision promoting research excellence and collaboration. By following this framework, the research center can develop an effective strategic plan that guides its research activities promoting excellence:

Strategic direction 1: Facilitating Collaboration:

Establish a dedicated platform or online portal to facilitate collaboration among RAKMHSU faculties, staff, and students. This can include a database of ongoing research projects, expertise profiles, and collaboration opportunities.

The faculty will be motivated so that each department will be able to submit research projects / research plan for external funding sources for the health services related research/institutional (internal) funding.

Actively promote cross-disciplinary collaboration by organizing regular meetings, brainstorming sessions, and networking events.

Strategic direction 2. Providing State-of-the-Art Facilities:

Continuously upgrade and maintain state-of-the-art equipment and research facilities to ensure researchers have access to cutting-edge technology.

Collaborate with industry partners for equipment sponsorship or funding to keep facilities up to date.

Strategic direction 3. Academia and Industry Collaboration:

Foster partnerships with both academia and industry by creating a liaison office or technology transfer unit within TMRC.

Facilitate joint research projects, technology transfer, and collaborative initiatives with industry partners to address real-world healthcare challenges.

Strategic direction 4. Knowledge Dissemination:

Organize regular conferences, seminars, and workshops on various research themes to disseminate knowledge and promote the exchange of ideas.

Consider hosting an annual research symposium to showcase the research conducted at TMRC.

Strategic direction 5: Student Research Focus:

Promote a culture of research among students by offering research mentorship programs, grants, and incentives.

Encourage students to publish their research findings in reputable journals and present them at conferences.

Strategic direction 6: National Reference Center:

Invest in specialized research areas related to enteric pathogens, antimicrobial resistance, microbiome, cancer research and pharmaceutical biotechnology to become a national reference center.

Collaborate with national health authorities and institutions to provide expertise and resources in these critical areas.

Strategic direction 7: Research Services for Revenue Generation:

Offer fee-based research services and consultancy to external organizations, including healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, and research institutions.

Develop a pricing strategy that balances revenue generation with supporting internal research priorities.

Strategic direction 8: Quality Assurance:

Implement rigorous quality assurance and compliance standards to ensure the integrity and reliability of research conducted at TMRC.

Seek accreditation from relevant regulatory bodies where applicable.

Strategic direction 9: Public Engagement:

Engage with the local community through outreach programs, scientific exhibitions, and health education initiatives to raise awareness of the research conducted at TMRC.

Communicate the societal impact of research in an accessible manner.

Strategic direction 10: International Collaborations:

Actively seek international collaborations with renowned research institutes and universities to access global expertise and expand research networks.

Pursue joint research projects and participate in international research consortia.

By systematically addressing these strategic plans, TMRC can position itself as a leading center for biomedical research, fostering collaboration, and making significant contributions to healthcare and scientific knowledge at the national and international levels.