RAK Medical and Health Sciences University is First Medical University in the UAE to Obtain Five Stars in QS Stars Rating     College of Pharmacy at RAK Medical and Health Sciences University has obtained dual national and international accreditation for its Bachelor of Pharmacy program from the American Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA)     All Programs are accredited by Ministry of Education, UAE.    All our programs are recognized by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Last updated on: 29 Mar 2024

RAKMHSU Scientific Exhibition

تُنظم جامعة رأس الخيمة للطب والعلوم الصحية معرضًا علميًا لطلاب المدارس في الصفوف الثانوية العامة، بهدف تعريفهم بواقع المهن الطبية والصحية وفتح آفاق جديدة أمامهم بشأن طبيعة الدراسة في التخصصات الطبية والعلوم الصحية، وكذلك مسارات العمل المتاحة في مجالاتها المختلفة. يهدف المعرض إلى تقديم معلومات قيمة بأساليب ممتعة ومشوقة للطلاب الأعزاء، وذلك من خلال محطات تفاعلية متنوعة.

ندعوكم لزيارة هذه الفعالية الهامة التي ستُقام يومي الأربعاء والخميس الموافقين لـ ٢١ و ٢٢ فبراير، من الساعة التاسعة صباحًا حتى الساعة الواحدة ظهرًا. ويوم الجمعة، الموافق ٢٣ فبراير، ستكون الفعالية مفتوحة للطلاب وأولياء الأمور من الساعة الثانية بعد الظهر حتى الساعة السادسة مساءً.

تتشرف الجامعة بالترحيب بطلاب المدارس الأعزاء وأولياء الأمور في رحاب الحرم الجامعي، وتتطلع إلى استقبالهم بكل محبة وترحاب.

The scientific exhibition organized by Ras Al Khaimah University for Medicine and Health Sciences aims to provide students in the general secondary grades with valuable insights into the medical and healthcare professions. It offers an opportunity for students to explore the nature of studying medical and health sciences disciplines and the various career paths available in these fields. The exhibition is designed to present information in an engaging and interactive manner, ensuring that students have an enjoyable learning experience.

During the exhibition, students will have access to diverse interactive stations where they can participate in hands-on activities, demonstrations, and experiments. These activities are specifically designed to enhance their understanding of medical and health-related concepts and spark their interest in pursuing careers in these fields.

The exhibition will take place over three days. On Wednesday and Thursday 21, 22 Feb 2024, it will be open from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, exclusively for school students. On Friday 23 Feb 2024, it will be open from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM, welcoming both students and parents.

Ras Al Khaimah University is honored and delighted to welcome dear school students and parents within the university campus. The event promises to be an important and enriching experience for all attendees, providing valuable knowledge and insights into the world of medicine and healthcare.
